Earth4all, Time for change!

“Earth4all, Time for change!

The dominant economic model is destabilizing societies.
And the planet.

All nations have adopted the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Meeting some goals may make it harder to achieve others. For example reaching a goal for economic growth may make it harder to reach climate targets.

Earth4All will provide five economic turnarounds, or pathways, that maximize the probability of reaching all goals.

Earth4All is initiated by The Club of Rome, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Norwegian Business School. It builds on the legacies of The Limits to Growth and the Planetary Boundaries frameworks.

It is a vibrant and expanding network of leading economic thinkers, scientists, policy leaders, campaigners and many others. It focuses on rethinking capitalism and moving beyond GDP for a safe, secure and prosperous future in the Anthropocene.

The name “Earth4All” comes from the name of a computer model Earth4. The model can be used to explore different future scenarios on Earth. It can be used to answer questions like: what happens if societies adopt policies to redistribute wealth more fairly? Or, what happens if countries adopt policies to empower women? Or, what happens to Earth if more people eat healthy diets?

Earth4All is an international initiative to accelerate the systems-changes we need for an equitable future on a finite planet. Combining the best available science with new economic thinking, Earth4All is designed to identify the transformations we need to create prosperity for all.

Earth4All has gathered leading economic thinkers together in the Transformational Economics Commission to develop new economic paradigms.”

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